Welcome to Trinity Church​

We’re delighted that you’re exploring our vibrant and caring community, and we want you to feel welcome, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. We believe that Jesus has something to offer everyone, and that following His way is the key to making a difference in the world.

We know that visiting a new church or coming back after time away can be a bit daunting. That’s why we try to go out of our way to make our services inviting, friendly, and easy to understand, so you feel right at home from the moment you arrive.  Come as you are.  You are welcome.

Friendly People 

From the moment you arrive, you’ll be warmly welcomed. We’d love to meet you, so feel free to introduce yourself. 

You’ll notice some who like to dress up for church and others who don’t. Feel free to wear what’s comfortable for you, and you’ll fit right in.

What about my kids?

God has a special place in His heart for children—and so do we! (Matthew 19:14:
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”) During our 10 a.m. services, we offer nursery care, Sunday School, and engaging youth programs designed to help kids grow in their faith and feel at home in our community. They are also welcome to stay in the service with you – we have a play areas in the worship centre to entertain your little ones.  While our children and youth programs take a break during the summer, children are always welcome in our services. We also provide a dedicated space where kids can read, color, and enjoy activities, ensuring they feel involved and valued no matter the season.
Every volunteer working with children is screened under the safe church program, as ensuring the safety and security of your child is our absolute priority.

Trinity' Values

Our Vision 

To be a Community of Hope
Reaching In ~ Reaching Out
To Bring Christ's Healing to a Hurting World


Our Mission 

To be a welcoming community, focused on making mature disciples of Jesus Christ, who are committed to bringing Christ's healing to a hurting world.

Rhythm of Life
We believe that Jesus changes everything...

We are a vibrant and caring community learning how to follow Jesus. No matter where you are on your journey—whether you're curious, questioning, or deeply committed—you are warmly welcomed here

As we learn to follow Jesus here in Sarnia, we embrace a deeper rhythm of life together. Shaped by the enduring practices of the Church through the ages, we believe this rhythm will challenge us, yet bring profound joy.

5 Core Practices

Resting weekly and join in the public worship of the church.

Prayer and Study
Praying and reading the Bible daily and gathering regularly to do the same with others.

Offering our time to the Church and our community.

Giving as we can to support the church and other community needs locally and abroad.

Faithful Living
Bringing the teaching and example of Jesus into all parts of our everyday lives and sharing honestly about our faith.

All that we do at Trinity is an overflow of one of these core practices.

Because we believe these rhythms will make us more like Jesus, we think this is the best way to impact our community for Jesus.